Whānau update hui: Te Here-ā-Nuku
Tēnā koutou e te whānau,
In March, Te Here-ā-Nuku working group will be holding a series of hui around the rohe to update whānau on the work taking place to resolve the Nelson Tenths kaupapa.
The hui will be hosted by kaumātua Rore Stafford and members of the working group.
All whānau are welcome and there will be opportunities to ask questions at the hui.
Please find below the schedule. Further hui will be held for whānau in other centres - dates to be advised.
Hui Schedule

Scheduled Dates
Monday 10 March
Pūtangitangi, Greenmeadows Centre
Cnr Main Road and Songer Street, Stoke
Tuesday 11 March
Onetahua Marae
72 Pohara Valley Road, Pohara
Wednesday 12 March
Waikawa Marae
210 Waikawa Road, Waikawa
Thursday 13 March
Hauhunga Marae,
188 Wairau Bar Road, Spring Creek, Wairau
Friday 14 March
Te Āwhina Marae
133 Pah Street, Motueka
Leapfrog application
Following the Crown’s decision to appeal the High Court judgment on almost every point, this month we have submitted an application to ‘leapfrog’ the Appeal Court and appeal straight to the Supreme Court.
We’ve done this in the hope of achieving a final resolution more quickly, and in the face of the Crown’s incredibly disappointing approach to our case. Despite 15 years of litigation; a landmark decision in the Supreme Court in 2017; and Uncle Rore’s resounding win in the High Court last year, we are yet to obtain justice.
Leapfrog applications are granted in exceptional circumstances, which we believe we have in this case.
Meantime, we will continue the work that is underway to resolve this matter with the Crown and prepare for final resolution. We will update you on this work at our March hui.
More information
For any pātai, please email info@makingthetenthswhole.co.nz
For more information visit https://tehereanuku.nz/
Please continue to follow us on Te Here-ā-Nuku Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram where we will share updates and reminders.
Sent on behalf of Te Here-ā-Nuku | Making the Tenths Whole Working Group