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    Wānanga Invitation: Ngāti Rārua Te Mana o Te Wai

    There's another opportunity to contribute to the kōrero on what wai means to Ngāti Rārua on Tuesday 15 August. We would love to see you there.

    Why is this important?

    This is part of our work on Te Mana o Te Wai Statements for the government’s Water Services Reforms (previously known as Three Waters reform).

    We are in the process of preparing a draft statement for Ngāti Rārua, and we need whānau involvement to guide us and help shape the statement into something aspirational and reflective of Ngāti Rāruatanga. Your participation and input will play a vital role in helping us do this.

    With the help of kaupapa Māori environmental consultant Tina Porou as facilitator, we are holding two wānanga and your input will support three key workstreams:

    • Preparation of new regional Freshwater Plans which put the mana and mauri of wai at the centre of decision making and provide for meaningful involvement of mana whenua in freshwater management, and
    • Preparation of a Ngāti Rārua Te Mana o Te Wai Statement for the Water Services Reform (formerly Three Waters).
    • A cultural mapping project on Ngāti Rārua associations with waterbodies in Te Tauihu.

    More information and how to register

    If you have any questions , please contact Rowena Cudby

    Ngāti Rārua Te Mana o Te Wai Statement Hui 2

    • Date: Tuesday 15  August 2023
    • Place: Pūtangitangi, Greenmeadows Centre, (Main Road, Stoke, Nelson)
    • Time: 10am-3pm
    • Facilitator: Tina Porou

    Purpose: Second hui of two to gather information for a draft Ngāti Rārua Te Mana o Te Wai statement for the Water Services Reforms.

    Richard Liddicoat

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    Wānanga Invitation: Ngāti Rārua Te Mana o Te Wai