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    Tuia : Mentoring rangatahi Māori

    The Tuia Rangatahi programme pairs selected rangatahi with their local mayor for mentoring and leadership development.

    The relationship provides both partners with the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into inter-generational issues, cultural values and experiences. At the same time, participants will be part of, or help develop, a community service project.

    Who can apply?

    We're looking for rangatahi Māori (18- 25 yrs) from the Nelson region who are actively involved with their community and have leadership potential.

    You must be supported by your community (iwi/hapū/marae/whānau or Māori community-based organisations).

    What does it involve?

    You need to be able to commit to the following:

    1. Attend 4 weekend rangatahi wānanga held on marae around the country.
    2. Attend monthly one to one mentoring hui with the Nelson City Council's Mayor and/or Deputy Mayor.
    3. Engage in or develop a community service project.

    More information

    Applications for the Tuia Rangatahi Programme are open until 8 December.

    Information about the programme can be found here:, or download the file. 

    How to apply

    Apply on the Nelson City Council website:

    Richard Liddicoat

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    Tuia : Mentoring rangatahi Māori