Tēnā rawa atu tātou e te whānau o Ngāti Rārua.
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the signing of our settlement with the Crown, we are bringing whānau together from across the motu on 18-19 November for activities, whakawhanaungatanga and celebrations.
You are warmly invited to attend the festivities – all we ask whānau to do is register.
Te Ika a Maui Hekenga 2023
After a COVID-enforced hiatus we are resuming our regular hekenga from Te Ika a Maui for 48 whānau members to join in celebrations and hui-ā-tau with all travel and accommodation taken care of.
The hekenga will begin in Kirikiriroa around dawn on Friday 17th and end around dawn on Monday 20th November in Kirikiriroa. As in previous years, several stops will be made to pick up whānau on the way.
If you are interested, we ask you to complete one expressions of interest form for each whānau unit. Whānau who complete this form do not need to complete the Te Taungahuru registration form.
Travel subsidies
All whānau who join us for our weekend of celebrations will be eligible for travel subsidies. Forms will be available at the Hui-ā-tau.
Register to attend Te Taungahuru
We ask all whānau to please register their attendance at Te Taungahuru so that we can book sufficient accommodation.
Hui-ā-tau: Saturday 18 November 2023
Our weekend formally begins with the Hui-ā-tau (Annual General Meeting) at Hauhunga Marae at 10.30am on Saturday 18 November 2023.
Election of three Trustees
In accordance with the trusts deeds, the current trustees, Anaru LUKE, Rima PIGGOTT and Renee THOMAS retire by rotation and are eligible to seek re-election for a further three-year term.
Nominations close on Thursday 12 October 2023, 4pm.