The protection and enhancement of freshwater is one of the highest priorities for tangata whenua iwi of Te Tauihu o te Waka-a-Māui.
In this video, produced by Manatū o Te Taiao, you’ll see some of the broad range of mahi that Ngā Iwi o Te Tauihu have underway to safeguard the mana, mauri, and wairua of wai. This includes restoration projects, and building the capacity and capability of whānau, hapū and iwi to engage and participate in freshwater management.
It also means working alongside councils in our rohe to co-design freshwater planning provisions that give effect to Te Mana o Te Wai across Te Tauihu.
Together, we honour our tīpuna by protecting and enhancing the health of our waterways, safeguarding their mana, mauri, and wairua for the wellbeing awa and of our community and our mokopuna.
Our Trustee Aneika Young talks about some of the challenges we face with wastewater, in particular around Motueka and our tīpuna awa. Right now, we are working on the proposal to relocate the Motueka Wastewater Treatment Plant.
There are similar challenges across the rohe as we look to encourage safe and sustainable wastewater discharge to land rather than into our moana. This work is a key long-term focus for our taiao team, in line with Poipoia Te Ao Tūroa, our environmental strategy.