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    Te Ipukarea - What to bring

    Kia ora e te whānau - time for pre-planning for Te Ipukarea!

    Here's some reminders of things to bring & prepare for:

    • Pōtae & Sunblock
    • Pātara wai
    • Appropriate clothes/shoes (Singlet will be provided)
    • Towels Blankets if staying at Te Awhina Marae (Pillows, sheets and mattresses will be provided)
    • Camping Chair (Optional)


    We will provide lunch/dinner on Friday, lunch on Saturday, and Ngāti Tama are providing Hākari Saturday evening. Whānau will have to have manage their own breakfast on Friday/Saturday.


    If you are travelling from outside the rohe and require assistance, please contact

    If you or your whānau have registered for a game & are no longer able to make it, please email as soon as possible!

    There will be more updates & information closer to the time so check back regularly.

    Richard Liddicoat

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    Te Ipukarea - What to bring