Te Ipukarea update: draws, teams, travel and more
Sports Draws
Please see the basic sports overview run sheet provided by Ngāti Tama. This will show you check in and starting times for each category, the full draw will be sent out to registered players in the coming weeks.
Travel outside of Te Tau Ihu
If you are travelling from outside of Te Tau Ihu for this event, we are able to provide a Koha to help subsidise travel costs.
Please email marino.emery@ngatirarua.iwi.nz if you are travelling to Whakatu from outside Te Tau Ihu.
We currently have Tahuna Beach Holiday Park booked for our Kaumatua travelling from outside of Whakatu/Motueka.
The rest of our travelling whanau will be accommodated at Te Awhina Marae. Breakfast will be provided for whanau staying at both accommodation.
Please note that only whanau participating in a competitive sport will receive a t-shirt this year. If you are not participating, we encourage you to wear any Rārua merch you have around the whare or purchase merch from the Rārua store at www.gamechanger.org.nz/ngatirarua.
We will supply Friday night dinner and Saturday Lunch. Ngāti Tama will provide kai for our Euchre, Debates, Golf, Kaumatua Games and Waka Ama teams as well as Hakari at the end of the event.
Water will be available at our Rārua tent as well as multiple water stations around the event. Please make sure you bring a reusable drink bottle with you.
Eco friendly event
Ngāti Tama are dedicated to making this event environmentally friendly as possible. We are encouraged to use reusable plates/cups for Kai, they will have kaimahi who will wash your dishes and return them to you.
So, we are asking whanau to bring plates for your kai to be served on, make sure to also mark your names so they are returned to your whanau. All rubbish from the event is to be taken home.
Due to high registration numbers we have spread whanau out over the 2 days, being able to participate in 2-3 sports each. There are multiple sports being played at the same times so please understand we have tried our best to spread whanau out evenly and fairly. We will send the teams list out also in the coming weeks.
We are needing awhi from whanau in regard to our Rangatahi and Tamariki teams managers, to make sure our whanau are turning up to the correct court/field at the correct time. If you are a whanau member not participating in sport, we would appreciate your support for these positions. Please email marino.emery@ngatirarua.iwi.nz if your keen to jump on as a manager.
This year each iwi has been requested to perform 2 waiata ngāhau at the hākari (Saturday afternoon).
The two songs we have selected are Rāruaioio & Kei Ngā Ringawera.
We will be holding a couple of waiata sessions (Wairau & Motueka) to prepare for our performance.
More information will come soon about when & where so stay tuned!