Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua Christmas Ball
A great crowd attended the Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua Christmas Ball on Monday at Ūkaipō. Everyone enjoyed wonderful whakawhanaungatanga, beautiful kai, a visit from Hāna Koko.
Lawrence MacDonald from Rangitane opened up the proceedings, followed by Matua Shane Graham who gave a beautiful kōrero.

Whirimako and her team put on a great spread of kai, namely hangi, free range pork, (Previously referred to as wild pork) fallow deer, (not Rudolph) and mutton, mussels in shell, mussel fritters, fresh kina, creamed paua. Two salmon were received from King Salmon as koha, plus there were many delicious veges, prepared different ways. The beautiful desserts followed which left everyone nourished.
We had volunteers (whānau members of the staff) helping out in the kitchen, and serving our Kaumatua at the table with food and drinks.
The team pulled together at the end to complete the day with the cleanup.
A huge thank you to Tui Caldwell and Caroline Tipene who sang with distinction, and of course, Rick Starr who was tremendous with his singing and had our guests dancing.

Feedback ‘absolutely great’
Kaiawhina Ron Riwaka says the feedback has been very positive.
"During and after the Ball I have been receiving absolutely great feedback and phone calls. The comments to other staff members and I have been heartwarming to say the least.
"It certainly makes the effort of the mahi done over the past few months totally worthwhile.
“A great day was had by all, and a huge thank you to all who participated to make this day great.”