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    Tāne’s making connections with whakapapa and whenua

    There is a new face around in the Wairau Ngāti Rārua tari.

    Tāne nui a rangi Norton (Ngāti Rārua) works two days a week in the Wairau tari as an intern, whilst going to school for the remaining three days.

    Tāne works in a whole range of areas: with his Uncle George in the Taiao space; with Brya at the Tokomaru Research Centre (TRC); and he helps Matua Kowhai with maintenance tasks.

    "As long as I can be Rārua, I'm open to anything," he says.

    Tāne enjoys his mahi and says he’s appreciating his whakapapa and his connection with the whenua more and more.

    “Growing up, Mum would point out significant Ngāti Rārua whenua during our outings, although I didn't fully grasp their importance at the time. Through this internship, I have come to understand these sites as urupā, wāhi tapu and Ngāti Rārua whenua.” 

    In the initial weeks, George guided Tāne to places of significance to Ngāti Rārua, including Hauhunga Marae, enriching his knowledge of his iwi’s history. George also enlisted Tāne's assistance on a Taiao project, further deepening his engagement.

    With George’s responsibilities taking him around Te Tauihu, Tāne has also had the opportunity to immerse himself in the mahi at the TRC and assist Brya, gaining valuable insights from her experience and knowledge.

    “During my mahi, I have the chance to explore Ngāti Rārua pukapuka at the office. I discovered a whakapapa connection of one of my tupuna to Turangaapeke.”

    Tāne says this whakapapa connection has opened the door for him to go deeper and understand more of his whakapapa to Ngāti Rārua. He is keen to explore further.

    “I would like to work at the Whakatū office in addition to the Wairau office.”  He says this would enable him to experience the mahi happening in Whakatū and build “relationships” with the whānau and staff there.

    Tāne advises other rangatahi considering an internship with Ngāti Rārua to keep an “open mind.”

    “There are lots of learning opportunities and interesting projects under the umbrella of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua.”

    “So I encourage others to explore different pathways within the rūnanga, even if they are unsure of their direction initially.”

    Richard Liddicoat

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    Tāne’s making connections with whakapapa and whenua