Tākarokaro mai Whakatū!
The public is being asked to provide input into a new playground being planned for Rutherford Park and set to open during summer 2026/27.
Currently known as Playspace Whakatū, the project is a partnership between Ngā Iwi o Te Tauihu and Nelson City Council to create an iconic, inclusive and place-inspired destination for whānau to connect, explore and play.
Playspace will be a space for both locals and visitors and will celebrate the stories and unique identity of Whakatū Nelson City.
Ideas and suggestions wanted
What would you like to see in a new Playspace? What would make it ‘uniquely Whakatū Nelson’ for you?
Key questions:
He aha te hanga papa tākaro whakamīharo?
What makes an amazing playspace?
Ko hea mai nei te painga atu tēnei papa ki a koe?
What would make this a place you love?
He aha tāu e rapu ana i te papa tākaro pai?
What do you look for in a good playground?
He aha ngā ahurei ka hau mai nō Whakatū Nelson?
What would make this space uniquely Whakatū Nelson?
Project goals
Once finished, Playspace will:
- Attract more people to the city centre
- Help revitalise and connect our city to the sea
- Create lasting memories for whānau
- Showcase our stories, culture and creativity
- Be a space where everyone feels welcome
Background information
The project was made possible by Better Off funding awarded to Council under the previous Three Waters reform, from which $2.4M received was allocated to the city centre playspace. Council allocated a further $600k to the budget as part of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 (LTP).
Playspace is expected to take around 18 months to design and build.