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    Kia wetewetea, ko Māui ahau

    Te Kāhui Mātauranga o Te Tauihu are excited to announce that our Education Symposium 'Kia wetewetea, ko Māui ahau' has been rescheduled and will be held on Friday 21st October 2022 at the Trafalgar Centre. Tickets are free, and will be available through Eventbrite on 1st September 2022.

    Expressions of Interest

    Kaiurungi mō Te Pae Motuhake o Te Tai Tonga – Te Tauihu o Te Waka a Maui/Top of the South Island based


    Poipoia te Kākano programme is designed to help support whānau Māori to manage their finances, to set a budget and to make good financial choices. This programme will provide practical support, tips and tricks to enable whānau to take control over their financial goals and wellbeing.