Opportunities - jobs, training, scholarships, representation
Find new whanake opportunities - jobs, training and other development pathways for your career.
Kawenata shapes Te Tauihu community future
A historic Kawenata was signed on Tuesday.
He Raranga Muka – Data Analytics Scholarships
E ngā mana E ngā reo E ngā karangatanga maha Tēnā koutou katoa Te Kāhui Raraunga is proud to present He Raranga
Iwi Representative roles at Te Kaunihera o te tai o Aorere
These positions provide opportunities for iwi members to represent Te Tauihu iwi on various Tasman District Council committees and business units.
Relaxed learning at Kia Pai Te Reo Wānanga
A cohort of whānau who have been taking fortnightly online sessions for several months recently attended a wānanga at Te Āwhina Marae, Motueka.
Te Pūtahitanga funds open
Applications for three key funding streams from Te Pūtahitanga are open until February 12. Read more about the funds and how to apply.
Kiingi Tuheitia Portrait Award: How to enter for 2025
Open to all Māori artists under 35, the first prize in 2025 is $20,000.
WhānauSaver launched in Te Tauihu
Several iwi in Te Tauihu will now contribute directly to whānau savings with the launch of WhānauSaver in our rohe.
AGM Information
Please note the venue change to Te Maatu, Motueka High School, 52 Whakarewa Street, Motueka. The time remains the same, 10.30am.
Te Pūtahitanga funding workshops
Register for funding workshops in Wairau and Whakatū to learn about Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu funding opportunities
Ngāti Rārua Battle of the Pā 2024
Only a couple more sleeps to go and we hope you are all excited for the weekend. It’s going to be a lot of fun!
Learning from skinks, and other species
Recently Pou Tohutohu Taiao Callum Sebualala (Mana) had the opportunity to observe a large-scale cultural health monitoring activity happening during contaminated sawdust removal at Tāhunanui Beach in Whakatū.