We need to know ourselves better - our whakapapa, our history, where we live, what we can contribute, what we need and our aspirations for ourselves and us as a collective. Please find below all the posts about whakapapa.
Xmas and COVID-19...
Details of how we will be operating at COVID-19 Alert Level 2, plus where to find vaccination clinics.
Ngā iwi Te Tauihu working to keep whānau safe from Delta
The eight iwi of Te Tauihu have pooled their resources and whānau networks together to ensure an equitable vaccination rollout for Māori in their region.
Expressions of Interest called for Pou Āhurea / Cultural Coordinator
We're calling for expressions of interest in a role to build the cultural confidence, competency and cultural excellence of Ngāti Rārua.
💚 Book now: Vaccination Clinics in Whakatū 💚
Please ensure your kaumātua and those living with kaumātua know about these clinics as they are all eligible for the vaccine now.
Whakawhanaungatanga: Time well spent at kaumātua noho
In late March kaumātua from across Te Tauihu gathered together at the Vintner’s Hotel in Wairau for a wānanga on sites of significance To Ngāti Rārua.
A message from the CEO
Tēnā anō hoki e te whānau, Whānau may be aware of media coverage of a meeting of the Tai o Poutini Plan
Available now: Ngāti Rārua NMIT Scholarship
Get the new academic year off to a flying start: Take advantage of the new scholarship $1000 scholarship from NMIT, which will be matched by Ngāti Rārua to bring the total to $2000.
Historic role a surprise and a privilege
Tania Kura has been appointed a Deputy Commissioner in the New Zealand Police – making history as the first female sworn officer to achieve that rank.
Māori Land Court Clinic in Wairau
Come along to learn more about the Māori Land Court and upcoming changes to legislation.
Haerenga to Ōtaki and Te Whanganui-a-tara
This is a summary of a staff trip to Ōtaki and Whanganui-a-tara in December 2020.
Stallholders wanted: Te Pātaka o Wairau 2021
We are seeking stallholders for the next Te Pātaka o Wairau, being held at Seymour Square on Friday 5 February 2021, open to the public from 4.00 p.m to 8.00 p.m.
Cliff Saxton – Supporting whānau through Covid-19
Kia ora e te whānau We welcomed Cliff Saxton as Whānau Ora Navigator for the eight iwi of Te Tauihu last month.