Expressions of interest: Post Graduate researcher
Tokomaru Research Centre is committed to supporting the growth of Ngāti Rārua researchers, and is looking for a post graduate tauira who is passionate about the taiao, climate change and the mātauranga of Ngāti Rārua.
Karanga atu ki ngā whānau o Ngāti Rārua!
We’re starting a project to better understand your preferences for communication. Please take a moment to complete our survey. All entries go in the draw for one of three $150 Prezzy cards.
Expressions of Interest: Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru
We are seeking expressions of interest for a board position on Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru (the Tokomaru Research Centre).
Live stream link for Hui-ā-tau
Please use this link to joing the Hui-ā-tau.
Purongo-ā-Tau 2023
We’re delighted to present our Pūrongo-ā-Tau 2023, our annual report to March 31 2023. It contains our year in review, planned and actual activities, and audited financial accounts.
Kaimahi hou: Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru
On Monday 18 September Trustees, kaimahi from Motueka, Whakatū and Wairau and manuhiri welcomed Dr Lorraine Eade and Rowena Cudby into their new roles at Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru (Tokomaru Research Centre).
Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru launched
On 31 May kaimahi, trustees and a number of guests gathered for the opening of the Tokumaru Research Centre at Te Whare Mānuka in Whakatū.