Full house for education symposiun in Whakatū
Teachers, principals and educationalists from across the top of the South Island turned out in force on Friday for a groundbreaking education symposium hosted by the eight iwi of Te Tauihu.
Frozen Reo Māori
To celebrate the launch of Tērā Te Awatea, Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua are hosting a Frozen Reo Māori movie event for Ngāti Rārua tamariki in Wairau and Whakatū.
Te pae Motuhake o Te Tai Tonga Representative wanted
Expression of Interest Sought - There is a vacancy on Te Pae Motuhake O Te Tai Tonga for a Tainui representative.
Kia wetewetea, ko Māui ahau
Te Kāhui Mātauranga o Te Tauihu are excited to announce that our Education Symposium 'Kia wetewetea, ko Māui ahau' has been rescheduled and will be held on Friday 21st October 2022 at the Trafalgar Centre. Tickets are free, and will be available through Eventbrite on 1st September 2022.
Mau Rakau wānanga ‘a beautiful experience’
Months of work, dedication and collaboration came together earlier this year when whānau member Raniera Petersen led a Mau Rakau wānanga and grading event at Whakatū marae.
Te Rautaki Reo o Ngāti Rārua Survey
e Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua held three Rautaki Reo engagement sessions throughout the months of July & August to gather whānau goals, hopes, and aspirations for the future of Te Reo o Ngāti Rārua. This survey is a follow up from that process to ensure that more whānau voices are heard.
Te Rautaki Reo o Ngāti Rārua
You're invited to a series of wānanga to gather whānau goals, hopes and aspirations for the future of Te Reo o Ngāti Rārua.
Te Tai Tonga Reo Māori Summit
The inaugural Te Tai Tonga Reo Māori Summit is being proudly hosted in Whakatu this year and is an exciting opportunity to gather all language champions together from throughout the rohe to discuss how we continue to grow te reo Māori within our communities.