We've created a selection of Ngāti Rārua nature stories for you to share with your family, friends and the world.
Spring Creek Whānau Māori Hui
A whānau Māori hui on the Spring Creek stopbank and the Alpine Fault rupture risk will be held on Wednesday 5 June at 5:30pm at the Spring Creeek Hall, 24 Ferry Road, Spring Creek, Wairau.
He Kākano: Free course this weekend
A free Seed Conservation Training Course is being held at Te Āwhina Marae this weekend - Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May 2024.
South Island Customary Fishing Regulations Update
An update on this essential mahi. Please note that whānau can continue to access their customary fishing rights as usual.
Waka Hourua a memorable experience
Several rangatahi from Wairau were given the opportunity to travel to Kaiteretere and experience the waka hourua this week as part of the Te Hau Kōmaru Festival. It was a memorable, enriching experience, as Kiriwai Spooner reports.
Registrations open for Conservation Leadership course
Through our participation in the Kōtahitanga Mō Te Taiao Alliance with the Nature Conservancy and many other organisations, we are now able to offer the opportunity to particpate in an excellent conservation leadership course.
Te Aka Pūkenga Cadetships
Cadets will spend time across different organisations (council, Crown/Govt agencies, whānau, hapū and iwi) in Te Tauihu, gaining experience in multiple disciplines. There are opportunities for up to 3 cadets across Te Tauihu (Tasman, Nelson and Marlborough).
Kotahitanga mō te Taiao update
Annual Impact Report released The 2023 Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Annual Impact Report shares the results of a considerable amount of work
Blenheim Wastewater Treatment Plant resource consent update
A combined mana whenua hui with partners involved in the resource consent renewal of Blenheim Wastewater Treatment Plant took place in early December.
Live stream link for Hui-ā-tau
Please use this link to joing the Hui-ā-tau.
Purongo-ā-Tau 2023
We’re delighted to present our Pūrongo-ā-Tau 2023, our annual report to March 31 2023. It contains our year in review, planned and actual activities, and audited financial accounts.
Council must act quickly on long-term wastewater solution for Motueka
Tasman District Council is being urged to work faster on the replacement for the Motueka Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Te Taungahuru: You're invited!
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the signing of our settlement with the Crown, we are bringing whānau together from across the motu on 18-19 November for activities, whakawhanaungatanga and celebrations. You are warmly invited to attend the festivities – all we ask whānau to do is register.