We've created a selection of Ngāti Rārua nature stories for you to share with your family, friends and the world.
Snorkel the Motueka Awa
Learn more about the Motueka Awa in a free, community-guided river snorkel later this month.
Final kākā release a major milestone
One of the projects we have supported for some time is Project Janzsoon's release of kākā into Abel Tasman National Park. In a wonderful achievement, the release of three more kākā last month completed this phase.
Tour NIWA's Kaharoa II next month
Kaharoa II intends to make a port call into Nelson, which will give locals a chance to get a glimpse of the latest addition to the NIWA research fleet.
Te Pūtahitanga funds open
Applications for three key funding streams from Te Pūtahitanga are open until February 12. Read more about the funds and how to apply.
Rāhui for Motueka foreshore remains in place
A rāhui on a large area of the Motueka foreshore remains in effect until further notice.
Te Pūtahitanga funding workshops
Register for funding workshops in Wairau and Whakatū to learn about Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu funding opportunities
Learning from skinks, and other species
Recently Pou Tohutohu Taiao Callum Sebualala (Mana) had the opportunity to observe a large-scale cultural health monitoring activity happening during contaminated sawdust removal at Tāhunanui Beach in Whakatū.
Cawthron Institute Summer Scholarships
Cawthron Institute is offering these scholarships to capable students who are intending to continue their university studies in 2025. All scholarships are valued at $7,500 each (tax-free).
Te Mana o Te Wai - Ngā iwi o Te Tauihu
In this video, produced by Manatū o Te Taiao, you’ll see some of the broad range of mahi that Ngā Iwi o Te Tauihu have underway to safeguard the mana, mauri, and wairua of wai.
Motueka Awa panel blessed
Yesterday a new interpretation panel was blessed at Pokororo on the banks of the Motueka Awa.
Spring Creek Whānau Māori Hui
A whānau Māori hui on the Spring Creek stopbank and the Alpine Fault rupture risk will be held on Wednesday 5 June at 5:30pm at the Spring Creeek Hall, 24 Ferry Road, Spring Creek, Wairau.
He Kākano: Free course this weekend
A free Seed Conservation Training Course is being held at Te Āwhina Marae this weekend - Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May 2024.