Here you can find out all about some of the people of Ngāti Rārua, all around the world.
Ka Pai Te Mua wānanga at Whakatū Marae
Another successful Kia Pai Ki Mua wānanga was held at Whakatū marae at the beginning of July. We were fortunate to have Aunty Mel McGregor share some of the history of the marae which began after World War II.
Taiao updates from Wairau
Recent updates from the taiao team in Wairau.
Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua Whānau Day 13 July
Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua invites the community to join them for a Whānau Day to Celebrate Matariki. 13 July 10am to 3pm, 64 Seymour Street, Blenheim
Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru launched
On 31 May kaimahi, trustees and a number of guests gathered for the opening of the Tokumaru Research Centre at Te Whare Mānuka in Whakatū.
Ka Uruora Te Tauihu supports financial independence and improved wellbeing
Last week Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Rārua, Rangitāne and Te Ātiawa Iwi launched Ka Uruora Te Tauihu, a programme of services to support iwi members to achieve financial independence and wellbeing.
Te Mana Kuratahi Catering and Photography expressions of interest
EOIs for catering and photography services for Te Mana Kuratahi close 1 July.
Register now for the next Kia Pai Ki Mua wānanga
The Kia Pai Ki Mua series focuses on Ngāti Rārua history, tikanga and kawa pertaining to each of our marae. The wānanga will also feature karakia, waiata, and haerenga to wāhi tapu. Next up is Whakatū Marae on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 July, so register now!
Kaimahi lead keynote discussion
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua kaimahi Aneika Young, Barney Thomas and Rowena Cudby, supported by architect Keni-Duke Hetet were keynote speakers at the annual New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects conference held in Whakatū last week.
Kotahitanga mō te Taiao newsletter
We celebrate the publication of a short film by the BBC Our Frozen Planet team, farewell outgoing Co-Chair Dave Johnston and Nelson City Council's representative Jo Martin - and feature project updates.
Olivia Hall appointed to new Te Pūkenga executive role
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua congratulates Board Chair Olivia Hall on her appointment to an executive director role for Tumu Whenua ā-Rohe 3 at Te Pūkenga.
Tēnā rā tātou e te whānau o Ngāti Rārua E tangi tonu ana ki ō tātou mate huhua kua ngaro i ngā
Kia matatū Being vigilant
Now is a good time to get your boosters - more international visitors in our takiwā this summer means greater potential risks. So it's time to make sure whānau are protected against any new wave of COVID-19.