Here you can find out all about some of the people of Ngāti Rārua, all around the world.
Our tari re-opens 8 January
Our offices are now closed and re-open on Monday January 8.
Toi Māori exhibition: expressions of interest
The Suter Art Gallery Te Aratoi o Whakatū with Ko Te Pouaranga | iwi support is seeking a curator / artist / co-ordinator to develop a toi Māori exhibition at The Suter. The exhibition is scheduled for 14 June- 14 September 2025.
Kaimahi graduation celebrated
Huge congratulations to Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua kaimahi James Kauri, who graduated Heke Toiora Whānau, Diploma in Social Work, from Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki.
Navigating the path to home ownership and financial freedom
Residing in Wairau, Kerri Rimene (Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tawhirikura, Ngāti Kahungunu, Rangitāne ki Wairarapa) her partner, and their two children are making their dream of owning a home a reality through Ka Uruora.
Mauri Ora around the rohe
Ngāti Rārua representatives accompanied Ngāti Tama and Te Atiawa for a blessing at Te Kura o Aorere (Collingwood Area School) at dawn, along with students and teachers and the wider school community.
Kia Pai Te Reo ki Rotoiti
I tū te wānanga whakamutunga o Kia Pai Te Reo ki Te Rotoiti. We finished off our series of Kia Pai Te Reo wānanga in Rotoiti at the weekend. We look forward to sharing more opportunities to use and learn Reo Rārua in 2024.
Expressions of Interest: Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru
We are seeking expressions of interest for a board position on Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru (the Tokomaru Research Centre).
Tuia : Mentoring Rārua rangatahi
This is an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience and insight about making positive change in Wairau. We encourage anyone who is interested to get in touch – or pass this opportunity to someone who would be the perfect fit.
Ka Uruora Te Tauihu pānui
In this edition you'll hear from Ka Uruora Te Tauihu Chair Hemi Sundgren, meet the Ka Uruora team, and meet whānau starting on their home ownership journey.
Live stream link for Hui-ā-tau
Please use this link to joing the Hui-ā-tau.
New learning spaces opened in Mohua
Te Waka Kura o Mohua and Manawhenua ki Mohua opened two new school buildings on Monday, 13 November.
Decades of service recognised
Barney Thomas was today awarded Te Tohu Ratonga Tūmatanui o Aotearoa, the New Zealand Public Service Medal, as recognition for 40 years of civil service.