Here you can find out all about some of the people of Ngāti Rārua, all around the world.
Dual role conserves Mātauranga alongside environment
The partnership between Department of Conservation and Te Tauihu iwi is being strengthened through a new secondment role with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua.
Whānau input vital for success of Te Tātoru o Wairau
Te Tātoru o Wairau, previously known as the Marlborough Schools Project, will relocate and rebuild three local schools in Marlborough.
Nominations wanted : interim Māori Health Authority Board
Nominations for candidates to form the Interim Board for the Maori Health Authority are open until 18 June 2021.
Meet our inaugural Ngāti Rārua NMIT scholarship winners ...
We were so excited to present the inaugural Ngāti Rārua NMIT scholarship awards to Joshua Joseph (Wairau Campus) and Rima Piggott (Whakatū Campus) earlier this week.
Con-grad-ulations ...
Congratulations to Ngāti Rārua Atiawa Iwi Trust (NRAIT) owners Renee Thomas and Delane Luke who graduated last week from the University of Canterbury.
Whakawhanaungatanga: Time well spent at kaumātua noho
In late March kaumātua from across Te Tauihu gathered together at the Vintner’s Hotel in Wairau for a wānanga on sites of significance To Ngāti Rārua.
New appointment galvanises collaborative Covid-19 response in Te Tauihu
Ngā iwi Māori in Te Tauihu have taken a major step along the recovery path with the appointment of a new operations manager for Covid-19 response.
Sandy Morrison appointed Acting Dean at Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao
Associate Professor Sandy Morrison has been appointed te Whare Wānanga o Waikato Acting Dean for Te Pua Wānanga ki te Ao. Sandy
Te Whare Whakatā opening
Some of our trustees and representatives took a hikoi during their January hui to help officially open the refurbished Freeman’s cottage.
Historic role a surprise and a privilege
Tania Kura has been appointed a Deputy Commissioner in the New Zealand Police – making history as the first female sworn officer to achieve that rank.
Visit: Anaweka Waka
Another taonga viewed by the board in Mohua recently was the Anaweka waka. Discovered by local resident Tony Nicholls in 2011, the 6.2m section is believed to be part of a sophisticated and much larger sailing vessel.
Waikoropupū: Waiora, wairua
Mauri ora: Last week the trustees and senior staff visited Te Waikoropupū during the start-of-year strategic hui.