Here you can find out all about some of the people of Ngāti Rārua, all around the world.
Full house for education symposiun in Whakatū
Teachers, principals and educationalists from across the top of the South Island turned out in force on Friday for a groundbreaking education symposium hosted by the eight iwi of Te Tauihu.
Symposium to inspire excellence
An education symposium to be hosted by iwi in Whakatū in October is the first step in what is hoped is a new chapter in celebrating and promoting educational excellence for Māori.
Applications open for Marlborough Lines Tertiary Scholarship
Nau mai, e te whānau! Tonoa mai tēnei karahipi mā te Māori! We are pleased to advise that applications
Te Puna Mauri Ora Wānanga: You're Invited
We're excited to invite whānau of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua to a new series of wānanga taking place across Te Tauihu from August to October
Te Kāhui Mātauranga seeks trustees for Te Tauihu schools
As part of our strategic direction we would like to have more of our whānau Māori contributing to the decision making of our kura at governance level, in order to make a positive difference for our ākonga Māori, whānau, hapū and iwi here in Te Tauihu.
Mau Rakau wānanga ‘a beautiful experience’
Months of work, dedication and collaboration came together earlier this year when whānau member Raniera Petersen led a Mau Rakau wānanga and grading event at Whakatū marae.
Meet our new Pou Oranga
Today we are delighted to announce the appointment of Ripeka Houkamau as Pou Oranga of Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua Limited.
We're hiring!!!
Takiri mai ra ko te ata i te tonga. Ka whariki mai te manu kua ao kua awatea He ngākau aroha e
Register with us :)
We are always keen to increase our membership list so if you have some time these holidays, please complete a registration form
Xmas and COVID-19...
Details of how we will be operating at COVID-19 Alert Level 2, plus where to find vaccination clinics.
2021 Annual Report
Kia ora e te whānau, we're pleased to provide our annual report for year ending 31 March 2021 and look
Tertiary Scholarship
Marlborough Lines Tertiary Scholarship for Māori We are pleased to advise that applications are now open for the Marlborough Lines Tertiary Scholarship