Here you can find out all about some of the people of Ngāti Rārua, all around the world.
Tātou o Ngāti Rārua, ki te hoe
Let's unite to honour our Kāinga Tūturu and come together as one, under the mana of Ngāti Peehi, Te Kanawa and Kinohaku, to warmly welcome Te Arikinui Kuiini Nga wai hono i te po to her first Poukai at Marokopa as Arikinui.
Ngāti Rārua Acknowledges Professor Sandy Morrison’s Academic and Leadership Excellence
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua extends our warmest congratulations to Professor Sandy Morrison on her recent appointment as a professor at the University of Waikato.
Ka Ora Ka Ako team features in local media
Recently our team spoke with Top South Media about our operations in Whakatū and Wairau. They also spoke to principals and students about the kai they receive.
Grants and support for whānau
Our grants and support for whānau businesses are available throughout the year.
Te Ipukarea - What to bring
Kia ora e te whānau - time for pre-planning for Te Ipukarea! Here's some reminders of things to bring &
Te Ipukarea: More players wanted
We need more players e te whānau! We are calling out for players for our debate & league 9's teams!
He Mihi mō tō Tautoko i roto i ngā Tau Tekau – Michelle Lavender
On behalf of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua, I want to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate 10 years of dedicated service. Your commitment, leadership, and contributions to TRoNR and its people are deeply appreciated, and we are grateful for the impact you have made.
Te Kāhui Hauora o Te Tauihu Hui-ā-Tau
Te Kāhui Hauora will hold their Hui-ā-Tau for 2025 at Whakatū Marae on Saturday 8 March, starting at 10:30am.
Kawenata shapes Te Tauihu community future
A historic Kawenata was signed on Tuesday.
Te Āwhina Marae Waitangi Day celebrations
Details of celebrations at Te Āwhina Marae for Waitangi Day 2025
Te Aka Tairoa: Ngā mihi nui ki a koe!
For those Ngāti Rārua who participated in Te Aka Tairoa, nga mihi ki a koe! Your input has been truly valued and has formed the basis of a set of recommendations forwarded to the Rūnanga.
Te Ipukarea: Rehita mai!
The time has come to register you & your whānau to participate in the upcoming Te Ipukarea 2025 event!