We are continuing to grow our capactiy to meet our investment objectives within our SIPO and our robust financial management policies. We are moving from a predominantly passive investment strategy to one that is more active and look forward to sharing results with our whānau. Please find below all our posts that deal with empowering us as a people.
Toiere Māori Business workshop Whakatū
Toiere is a Māori business networking group who run workshops to support the capability of pakihi in Te Tauihu. This workshop is an introduction to business with IRD and includes tax obligations.
Grants and support for whānau
Our grants and support for whānau businesses are available throughout the year.
Te Au Pūngao a new space for innovation in Wairau
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua were delighted to attend the opening of new tech and innovation hub Te Au Pūngao in Wairau last week, along with Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau and dignitaries from local and central government.
Apply now for the Tupu Accelerator
An amazing opportunity - Applications for the Tupu Accelerator 2025 cohort are open until 20 March.
Kawenata shapes Te Tauihu community future
A historic Kawenata was signed on Tuesday.
Te Pūtahitanga funds open
Applications for three key funding streams from Te Pūtahitanga are open until February 12. Read more about the funds and how to apply.
Te Pūtahitanga Directory
The Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu Directory is a resource for whānau to discover the diverse, innovative, and impactful initiatives and partners that are supporting our whānau and Te Waipounamu, Rakiura, and Rēkohu/Wharekauri.
WhānauSaver launched in Te Tauihu
Several iwi in Te Tauihu will now contribute directly to whānau savings with the launch of WhānauSaver in our rohe.
Te Pūtahitanga funding workshops
Register for funding workshops in Wairau and Whakatū to learn about Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu funding opportunities
New dates: Te Aka Tairoa Communications Survey Wānanga
Two engagement wānanga for whānau will be held in Auckland and Hamilton to support our Te Aka Tairoa communications research and to provide whānau an update on current projects and priorities for the rūnanga.
Call for stallholders: Huihuingā o Raumati
Te Pātaka o Wairau Māori Night market are calling for stallholders. Register now for their biggest event ever!
Expressions of Interest for two new roles
We are calling for expressions of interest for two potential roles: Kaumātua Pou Āwhina - on-call, as required; and Governance Administrator - 0.25 FTE. Read on for job details and how to express your interest.