The Mauri Ora (cultural) pillar is a critical kaupapa and focusses on our identity as Ngāti Rārua. History, whakapapa, waiata, tikanga and kawa specific to Ngāti Rārua will be explored, debated and celebrated as part of an ongoing series of wānanga and engagement with iwi members. Through our cultural strategy we hope our members will identify proudly as Ngāti Rārua because they will be strong in their Ngāti Rāruatanga. Please find below our mauri ora posts.
COVID-19 Update 18 March 2020
This is a serious evolving situation and we need to take preventative action and have instigated a process of welfare calls.
Hui with our whānau in Bruce Bay
Makaawhio, aka Bruce Bay is located in South Westland, on Te Tai o Poutini (the West Coast) of the South Island, not
Our Story - Nelson Tenths
In 1977 when Wakatū Incorporation was set up to look after the Nelson Tenths Reserves and provide benefit for its owners through