The Mauri Ora (cultural) pillar is a critical kaupapa and focusses on our identity as Ngāti Rārua. History, whakapapa, waiata, tikanga and kawa specific to Ngāti Rārua will be explored, debated and celebrated as part of an ongoing series of wānanga and engagement with iwi members. Through our cultural strategy we hope our members will identify proudly as Ngāti Rārua because they will be strong in their Ngāti Rāruatanga. Please find below our mauri ora posts.
💚 Book now: Vaccination Clinics in Whakatū 💚
Please ensure your kaumātua and those living with kaumātua know about these clinics as they are all eligible for the vaccine now.
Nominations wanted : interim Māori Health Authority Board
Nominations for candidates to form the Interim Board for the Maori Health Authority are open until 18 June 2021.
Meet our inaugural Ngāti Rārua NMIT scholarship winners ...
We were so excited to present the inaugural Ngāti Rārua NMIT scholarship awards to Joshua Joseph (Wairau Campus) and Rima Piggott (Whakatū Campus) earlier this week.
Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance project updates
In our second edition of Kotahitanga mō te Taiao ePānui we share three hero stories from our Projects on the ground.
Introducing the Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance
The Alliance's vision is for our extraordinary natural heritage to be flourishing, and for people to live, care for, and benefit from the environment.
Con-grad-ulations ...
Congratulations to Ngāti Rārua Atiawa Iwi Trust (NRAIT) owners Renee Thomas and Delane Luke who graduated last week from the University of Canterbury.
Whakawhanaungatanga: Time well spent at kaumātua noho
In late March kaumātua from across Te Tauihu gathered together at the Vintner’s Hotel in Wairau for a wānanga on sites of significance To Ngāti Rārua.
Te Kāhui Mātauranga o Te Tau Ihu
Expressions of interest wanted Since November 2020, Te Kāhui Mātauranga have been working on understanding what kōrero tuku iho (narratives of significance)
A message from the CEO
Tēnā anō hoki e te whānau, Whānau may be aware of media coverage of a meeting of the Tai o Poutini Plan
New appointment galvanises collaborative Covid-19 response in Te Tauihu
Ngā iwi Māori in Te Tauihu have taken a major step along the recovery path with the appointment of a new operations manager for Covid-19 response.
Available now: Ngāti Rārua NMIT Scholarship
Get the new academic year off to a flying start: Take advantage of the new scholarship $1000 scholarship from NMIT, which will be matched by Ngāti Rārua to bring the total to $2000.
Huakina te whare o angitū! Experience NMIT
No matter which programme of study you enrol into- Te Puna Manaaki (Māori Learner Support Services) are available to assist you with your journey.