The Mauri Ora (cultural) pillar is a critical kaupapa and focusses on our identity as Ngāti Rārua. History, whakapapa, waiata, tikanga and kawa specific to Ngāti Rārua will be explored, debated and celebrated as part of an ongoing series of wānanga and engagement with iwi members. Through our cultural strategy we hope our members will identify proudly as Ngāti Rārua because they will be strong in their Ngāti Rāruatanga. Please find below our mauri ora posts.
Register now for the next Kia Pai Ki Mua wānanga
The Kia Pai Ki Mua series focuses on Ngāti Rārua history, tikanga and kawa pertaining to each of our marae. The wānanga will also feature karakia, waiata, and haerenga to wāhi tapu. Next up is Whakatū Marae on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 July, so register now!
Te Wānanga Tuatahi o Kia Pai Te Reo ki Onetahua
Despite heavy rain, more than 60 whānau braved the Tākaka hill to attend our first Kia Pai Te Reo wānanga at Onetahua Marae over the weekend.
New Wairau library and art gallery blessed
Early last Friday morning tangata/mana whenua Ngāti Toa Rangatira, Ngāti Rārua and Rangitāne o Wairau blessed the new Marlborough Library and Art Gallery building, in the lead up to its opening on 12 May.
Tēnā rā tātou e te whānau o Ngāti Rārua E tangi tonu ana ki ō tātou mate huhua kua ngaro i ngā
Celebration, tautoko for Pakaranga
Recently we celebrated our Motueka children who performed at Te Huinga Whetū 2022, where they qualified for the national Te Mana Kuratahi competition next year.
Symposium to inspire excellence
An education symposium to be hosted by iwi in Whakatū in October is the first step in what is hoped is a new chapter in celebrating and promoting educational excellence for Māori.
Te Kāhui Rongoā Trust: Notice of Trustee elections
Elections for two (2) new trustees in the Te Tau lhu rohe will be held on 30th of September 2022 from 11am to 1pm at the offices of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua, 15 Kinross Street, Blenheim.
Applications open for Marlborough Lines Tertiary Scholarship
Nau mai, e te whānau! Tonoa mai tēnei karahipi mā te Māori! We are pleased to advise that applications
Te pae Motuhake o Te Tai Tonga Representative wanted
Expression of Interest Sought - There is a vacancy on Te Pae Motuhake O Te Tai Tonga for a Tainui representative.
Kia wetewetea, ko Māui ahau
Te Kāhui Mātauranga o Te Tauihu are excited to announce that our Education Symposium 'Kia wetewetea, ko Māui ahau' has been rescheduled and will be held on Friday 21st October 2022 at the Trafalgar Centre. Tickets are free, and will be available through Eventbrite on 1st September 2022.
We need you...
If you have an awesome idea for a t-shirt design, enter before Monday 8 August.
Te Puna Mauri Ora Wānanga: You're Invited
We're excited to invite whānau of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua to a new series of wānanga taking place across Te Tauihu from August to October