The Mauri Ora (cultural) pillar is a critical kaupapa and focusses on our identity as Ngāti Rārua. History, whakapapa, waiata, tikanga and kawa specific to Ngāti Rārua will be explored, debated and celebrated as part of an ongoing series of wānanga and engagement with iwi members. Through our cultural strategy we hope our members will identify proudly as Ngāti Rārua because they will be strong in their Ngāti Rāruatanga. Please find below our mauri ora posts.
Tātou o Ngāti Rārua, ki te hoe
Let's unite to honour our Kāinga Tūturu and come together as one, under the mana of Ngāti Peehi, Te Kanawa and Kinohaku, to warmly welcome Te Arikinui Kuiini Nga wai hono i te po to her first Poukai at Marokopa as Arikinui.
Expressions of Interest: Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua Endorsed Candidates for Māori Governance course
In collaboration with Ngā Iwi e Waru o Te Tauihu, we are offering a unique opportunity to develop your governance skills through study at NMIT.
Te Ipukarea update: draws, teams, travel and more
Important updates ahead of Te Ipukarea for registered players.
Navigating the Future of Whānau Ora Delivery
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua acknowledges the government’s recent decision marking a significant shift in the structure of Whānau Ora service delivery. This move has broad implications for collaboration, regional partnerships in delivering essential services to whānau, Pouwhakahaere Shane Graham says.
Ka Ora Ka Ako team features in local media
Recently our team spoke with Top South Media about our operations in Whakatū and Wairau. They also spoke to principals and students about the kai they receive.
Grants and support for whānau
Our grants and support for whānau businesses are available throughout the year.
Rāhui near Rakopi, Te Tai Tapu Westhaven Marine Reserve
Manawhenua ki Mohua, with the support of Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui, Ngāti Rārua, and Ngāti Tama ki Te Waipounamu, have placed a seven-day rāhui (traditional Māori restriction) on part of Te Tai Tapu Westhaven Marine Reserve near Rakopi, effective March 6, 2025, following a death in the area.
Te Ipukarea - What to bring
Kia ora e te whānau - time for pre-planning for Te Ipukarea! Here's some reminders of things to bring &
Te Kāhui Hauora o Te Tauihu Hui-ā-Tau
Te Kāhui Hauora will hold their Hui-ā-Tau for 2025 at Whakatū Marae on Saturday 8 March, starting at 10:30am.
Kawenata shapes Te Tauihu community future
A historic Kawenata was signed on Tuesday.
Te Āwhina Marae Waitangi Day celebrations
Details of celebrations at Te Āwhina Marae for Waitangi Day 2025
Te Ipukarea: Rehita mai!
The time has come to register you & your whānau to participate in the upcoming Te Ipukarea 2025 event!