Cawthron Institute Summer Scholarships
Cawthron Institute is offering these scholarships to capable students who are intending to continue their university studies in 2025. All scholarships are valued at $7,500 each (tax-free).
Te Mana o Te Wai - Ngā iwi o Te Tauihu
In this video, produced by Manatū o Te Taiao, you’ll see some of the broad range of mahi that Ngā Iwi o Te Tauihu have underway to safeguard the mana, mauri, and wairua of wai.
Kawhē me te kōrero
Whakatū Marae is inviting the community to participate in this new kaupapa that will be starting 25 July.
Wānanga Tāne-Waitai
Interested in gathering kai moana for your whānau? This in-depth wānanga for men aged 18-45 which starts in August could be for you!
Ngā Aho Rau excited to represent our rohe
Ngā Aho Rau – the combined kapa of Nelson College and Nelson College for Girls – can’t wait to get on stage tomorrow at 6:00pm at Te Huinga Whetu, Kapa Haka Mana Kura Tuarua 2024.
Te Āwhina Marae Hui-a-Tau 2024
Details of the Annual General Meeting of Te Āwhina Marae, Sunday 14 July
Storylines Te Kahurangi Kāterina Te Heikōkō Award
Entries are open until 31 October for the Storylines Te Kahurangi Kāterina Te Heikōkō Award. Awarded to an unpublished work written originally in te reo Māori, the award carries a $1500 prize and an assurance of publication by Huia Publishers.
Te Umu kohukohu Whetū
Download the programme, and note the new start time of 06:00am. Tēnā rā koutou e te whanaunga o Ngāti Rārua, nau mai haere mai ki Te Umu Kohukohu o Ngāti Rārua! Please note there is now a later start time: Arrive at 05:45am for a 06:00am start.
Housing repairs on offer to whānau Māori
A warm, dry healthy home is one of the most important ingredients for being healthy and thriving. As the coldest time of
Te Heke Whakangā opening
As the karanga rang out more than 100 whānau and manuhiri representing all corners of Te Tauihu filed in to Te Kahu o Waipuna Marlborough Art Gallery to give mauri to Te Heke Whakangā on Saturday morning.
Tāne’s making connections with whakapapa and whenua
There is a new face around in the Wairau Ngāti Rārua tari. Tāne nui a rangi Norton (Ngāti Rārua) works two days a week in the Wairau tari as an intern, whilst going to school for the remaining three days.
Building confidence: the joy of Te Kaiaotanga o te Reo 2024
Nā Kiriwai Spooner Seats were filled with many familiar and unfamiliar faces at the Te Kaiaotanga o te Reo symposium in Wairau last week.