Te Kāhui Hauora o Te Tauihu Hui-ā-Tau
Te Kāhui Hauora will hold their Hui-ā-Tau for 2025 at Whakatū Marae on Saturday 8 March, starting at 10:30am.
Whānau update hui: Te Here-ā-Nuku
In March, Te Here-ā-Nuku working group will be holding a series of hui around the rohe to update whānau on the work taking place to resolve the Nelson Tenths kaupapa.
Opportunities - jobs, training, scholarships, representation
Find new whanake opportunities - jobs, training and other development pathways for your career.
Kawenata shapes Te Tauihu community future
A historic Kawenata was signed on Tuesday.
He Raranga Muka – Data Analytics Scholarships
E ngā mana E ngā reo E ngā karangatanga maha Tēnā koutou katoa Te Kāhui Raraunga is proud to present He Raranga
Community care and Hapū Māmā wānanga
A series of community care and Hapū Māmā wānanga will be held in the coming months. The wānanga weave together Māori birthing practices alongside western health education to support your whānau hauora aspirations. Open to all whānau members to attend.
Waitangi Day celebrations, Whakatū Nelson
Nau mai, Haere mai e te whānau for Waitangi Day commemorations: Thursday 6 February, 9am - 3pm Whakatū Marae and Founders Heritage Park
Snorkel the Motueka Awa
Learn more about the Motueka Awa in a free, community-guided river snorkel later this month.
Iwi Representative roles at Te Kaunihera o te tai o Aorere
These positions provide opportunities for iwi members to represent Te Tauihu iwi on various Tasman District Council committees and business units.
Save your precious memories for the future
Until the end of February, Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru are offering help to get your VHS tapes digitised.
Relaxed learning at Kia Pai Te Reo Wānanga
A cohort of whānau who have been taking fortnightly online sessions for several months recently attended a wānanga at Te Āwhina Marae, Motueka.
Tōtara a taonga linking past and future
Nā Arthur Phillips A beautiful occasion marked Spring Creek School’s recent 150th Anniversary in Wairau. As one of the mana whenua