Anzac Day commemorations
Anzac Day commemorations 2024 in Te Tauihu.
Expressions of interest: Post Graduate researcher
Tokomaru Research Centre is committed to supporting the growth of Ngāti Rārua researchers, and is looking for a post graduate tauira who is passionate about the taiao, climate change and the mātauranga of Ngāti Rārua.
Waka Hourua a memorable experience
Several rangatahi from Wairau were given the opportunity to travel to Kaiteretere and experience the waka hourua this week as part of the Te Hau Kōmaru Festival. It was a memorable, enriching experience, as Kiriwai Spooner reports.
Karanga atu ki ngā whānau o Ngāti Rārua!
We’re starting a project to better understand your preferences for communication. Please take a moment to complete our survey. All entries go in the draw for one of three $150 Prezzy cards.
Arts funding oppportunities
If you're an artist in Te Tauihu, there are several funding opportunities available to you.
Tuia helps develop leaders for tomorrow’s Rārua
Pou-a-iwi Aimee Sandrey was selected as the Wairau participant in the Tuia mentoring programme, which pairs local mayors with rangatahi Māori. In this article she shares her experience - which has been both intimidating and inspiring.
Te Aka Pūkenga cadets welcomed
Cadets will gain experience working within councils and iwi organisations across the rohe.
Refurbished classrooms at Victory Primary School blessed
Yesterday Tamu Mausii and Kiriwai Spooner attended the blessing ceremony for the refurbishment of three classrooms at Victory School.
Te Hau Kōmaru National Waka Hourua Festival
Te Hau Kōmaru National Waka Hourua Festival takes place at Kaiteretere beach, Te Tai o Aorere from 6 to 14 April.
Tū Manawa funding available
Tū Manawa sport funding is available for applications focused on rangatahi kaupapa.
Events for Kaumātua and Tāngata Whaikaha in Wairau
A Te Hauora Ngāti Rārua programme for Kaumātua and Tāngata Whaikaha will start in March. Contact Roka Manihera-Rolls, 027 301 8065 or
Expressions of Interest: Vacant Trustee position
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua is seeking expressions of interest to fill a vacant trustee position.