Te Pūtahitanga Directory
The Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu Directory is a resource for whānau to discover the diverse, innovative, and impactful initiatives and partners that are supporting our whānau and Te Waipounamu, Rakiura, and Rēkohu/Wharekauri.
Ngāti Rārua kākahu available now!
We're thrilled to announce the launch of our official Ngāti Rārua online clothing shop.
WhānauSaver launched in Te Tauihu
Several iwi in Te Tauihu will now contribute directly to whānau savings with the launch of WhānauSaver in our rohe.
Kaumātua Kirihimete Koha
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua offer an annual koha to all registered kaumātua.
Kaumātua Kirihimete lunch
Save the date - and spread the word to any kaumatua who wish to join in. Te Tauihu Iwi Kaumātua Christmas Lunch Thursday 12 December, Whakatū Marae, 12pm start. Enjoy lunch and the chance to learn a waiata. We hope to see you there!
Rāhui for Motueka foreshore remains in place
A rāhui on a large area of the Motueka foreshore remains in effect until further notice.
AGM Information
Please note the venue change to Te Maatu, Motueka High School, 52 Whakarewa Street, Motueka. The time remains the same, 10.30am.
Kiingi Tuheitia Portraiture Award 2023 Opening
The Marlborough Art Gallery warmly invites you to the opening of the Marlborough showing of the Kiingi Tuheitia Portraiture Award 2023 exhibition on Saturday 23 November 2024 at 8.30am
Te Pūtahitanga funding workshops
Register for funding workshops in Wairau and Whakatū to learn about Te Pūtahitanga o Te Waipounamu funding opportunities
Immunise tamariki: whooping cough cases are increasing
Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua has asked all whānau to check their whooping cough vaccinations are up to date. There is an increased number of cases across the motu, and Health NZ says Aotearoa is currently at high risk of whooping cough outbreak.
Ngāti Rārua Battle of the Pā 2024
Only a couple more sleeps to go and we hope you are all excited for the weekend. It’s going to be a lot of fun!
Learning from skinks, and other species
Recently Pou Tohutohu Taiao Callum Sebualala (Mana) had the opportunity to observe a large-scale cultural health monitoring activity happening during contaminated sawdust removal at Tāhunanui Beach in Whakatū.