Please find below the latest posts from Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua's Chief Executive Officer.
New dates: Te Aka Tairoa Communications Survey Wānanga
Two engagement wānanga for whānau will be held in Auckland and Hamilton to support our Te Aka Tairoa communications research and to provide whānau an update on current projects and priorities for the rūnanga.
He Maimai Aroha Update
We invite whaanau around Waikato to join us as we come together on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024. Please meet us at 1:00 pm for the 2:00 pm Poowhiri around the Waharoa at Tuurangawaewae
Invitation to karakia for Kiingi Tuuheitia
We warmly invite you to join us for a special karakia in honor of Kiingi Tuuheitia at the Ngaati Raarua offices.
'Moving' ceremony closes Te Heke Whakangā
The closing of Te Heke Whakangā was a proud moment on Sunday, with Pouwhakahaere Shane Graham saying the ceremony was “very moving”.
Celebrating Whānau Ora: a decade of ‘transformative impact’, resilience and unity
The tenth anniversary of Whānau Ora across Te Waipounamu is a celebration of a decade of better health outcomes, says Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua pouwhakahaere Shane Graham.
Te Heke Whakangā opening
As the karanga rang out more than 100 whānau and manuhiri representing all corners of Te Tauihu filed in to Te Kahu o Waipuna Marlborough Art Gallery to give mauri to Te Heke Whakangā on Saturday morning.
Snap Core expands into new facility
On Monday, Ngāti Rārua Pouwhakahaere Shane Graham signed a key terms sheet with Snap Core. Later that evening Ngāti Rārua representatives helped bless and open the company’s new manufacturing facility on Beatty Street.
South Island Customary Fishing Regulations Update
An update on this essential mahi. Please note that whānau can continue to access their customary fishing rights as usual.
Tauaru Whakaora Hapori blessed in Wairau
This morning Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua blessed the new Tauaru Whakaora Hapori - community hub mobile caravan - at the Blenheim Fire Station.
Te Aka Pūkenga cadets welcomed
Cadets will gain experience working within councils and iwi organisations across the rohe.
Disappointment at end of Tātoru o Wairau
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua Pouwhakahaere Shane Graham says he is compelled to express disappointment over the abrupt cessation of the Tātoru o Wairau project.
Our tari re-opens 8 January
Our offices are now closed and re-open on Monday January 8.