Wednesday 5 June at 5:30pm

Spring Creeek Hall, 24 Ferry Road, Spring Creek, Wairau

‘Winter is coming’  - and last month we had a situation where self evacuation of the Spring Creek community may have been necessary.  The Council are doing all they can to remedy the stopbank risk.

This hui is for whānau Māori,  where we can safely share our concerns over the stopbank, Wairau River and its environs.     

The second kaupapa is the Alpine Fault, and the AF8 programme indicates that there is a 75% chance that the Alpine Fault will rupture in the next 50 years (our or our children, our mokopuna lifetimes), and this is likely to be a magnitude 8 event.

So what do we need to think about in terms of our level readiness for such an event?

What can you do as an individual, as whānau, as hapu, iwi, and Māori community?

Please register for catering purposes

For catering purposes please let us know if you can attend: