Refurbished classrooms at Victory Primary School blessed
Yesterday Tamu Mausii and I went to the blessing ceremony for the refurbishment of three classrooms at Ngā Kākano o Te Wairepo – the bilingual unit at Victory Primary School. The event was well-attended by families, teachers, and community members including Hemi Cumming from the Ngāti Koata board, and David (Chook) Norgate, chair of the school’s Board of Trustees. The students of Victory School provided plenty of atmosphere with their enthusiastic participation.
Tamu said it was an “awesome kaupapa” to be part of.
“To stand and carry out tikanga and kawa as a representative of Mana whenua, to see the faces of this generation laying a good foundation … what better way to reward the next generation (ngā uri whakaheke) than with 3 refurbished classrooms under the korowai of Ngā Kākano o Te Wairepo?”
During the ceremony, Chook, Hemi, and Tamu led karakia while we walked through the three classrooms, gently touching the walls to invoke guidance from our ancestors and protection. Upon the completion of the series of karakia and walking through the rooms, Chook closed off the formalities with a final karakia.
He handed it over to Victory School Tumuaki Dan George, who spoke about all the people who contributed to the three classrooms and gave a big thank you for to everyone involved today
The students sang waitata tautoko beautifully for every speaker. It was heartening to see their unity and enthusiasm.
The blessing of the classrooms brought a sense of anticipation and excitement, evident in how eager the students were to learn in their updated classrooms. This event marked an important moment for the school and highlighted the strong support for future leaders in the community.