27 July 3pm – Te Tai Uka a Pia

According to the tribal narratives of Ngāti Rārua and Te Āti Awa, the first human to travel to the Antarctic was the

Ngā Toi – Raranga

Enjoy a supportive and safe learning environment where anyone can experience and learn raranga consistent with te reo Māori me ngā tikanga

Mauri Ora Fund

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua uses the Mauri Ora fund to support whānau to hold wānanga on whakapapa, reo me ōna tikanga and other activities. Applications are taken at any time.

Kaupapa Atawhai - apply online

Kaupapa Atawhai has been created to provide some immediate assistance to our most vulnerable whānau who have been impacted by COVID-19 and the resulting government restrictions.

Getting the mahi done, together

In the months since Covid-19 reached our shores, our people – the iwi of Te Tauihu – have come together to ensure no whānau is left behind. And we still have a long way to go.

Don't delay, get your flu jab now

“One in four people get the flu each year. If you have a chronic health condition, are aged over 65, have tamariki aged under four who have respiratory problems, or are hapū, then you can get your flu vaccination now and for free.”