Te Whare Whakatā opening
Some of our trustees and representatives took a hikoi during their January hui to help officially open the refurbished Freeman’s cottage.
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Some of our trustees and representatives took a hikoi during their January hui to help officially open the refurbished Freeman’s cottage.
Tania Kura has been appointed a Deputy Commissioner in the New Zealand Police – making history as the first female sworn officer to achieve that rank.
Another taonga viewed by the board in Mohua recently was the Anaweka waka. Discovered by local resident Tony Nicholls in 2011, the 6.2m section is believed to be part of a sophisticated and much larger sailing vessel.
Come along to learn more about the Māori Land Court and upcoming changes to legislation.
Mauri ora: Last week the trustees and senior staff visited Te Waikoropupū during the start-of-year strategic hui.
This is a summary of a staff trip to Ōtaki and Whanganui-a-tara in December 2020.
> Wakapuaka mai Hawaiki Haua te urupā o ōku Mātua Tupuna Ko Paremata te Tangata Haumi ē! Hui ē! Taiki ē! Nau
We are seeking stallholders for the next Te Pātaka o Wairau, being held at Seymour Square on Friday 5 February 2021, open to the public from 4.00 p.m to 8.00 p.m.
It’s been a challenging year and now is the time to rest and recharge as we look forward to 2021. On
Project Mahitahi is seeking ideas for a logo to represent the vision for this work that will be recognisable, and will symbolise the many partners working together to achieve that vision.
E wehi ana ki ngā atua, he maungārongo ki te mata o te whenua, he whakaaro pai ki ngā tāngata
The Nelson Marlborough Health (NMH) Consumer Council is taking expressions of interest to fill three positions. The Consumer Council is an advisory