Ka Uruora Te Tauihu pānui
In this edition you'll hear from Ka Uruora Te Tauihu Chair Hemi Sundgren, meet the Ka Uruora team, and meet whānau starting on their home ownership journey.
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In this edition you'll hear from Ka Uruora Te Tauihu Chair Hemi Sundgren, meet the Ka Uruora team, and meet whānau starting on their home ownership journey.
Please use this link to joing the Hui-ā-tau.
Te Waka Kura o Mohua and Manawhenua ki Mohua opened two new school buildings on Monday, 13 November.
Barney Thomas was today awarded Te Tohu Ratonga Tūmatanui o Aotearoa, the New Zealand Public Service Medal, as recognition for 40 years of civil service.
We’re delighted to present our Pūrongo-ā-Tau 2023, our annual report to March 31 2023. It contains our year in review, planned and actual activities, and audited financial accounts.
Notice of Day of Election, Candidate Names and Annual General Meeting for Ngāti Rārua Iwi Trust & Ngāti Rārua Settlement Trust
“The talent and commitment from our local rangatahi and kura is immense. If you’ve never watched kapa haka before, watch this - the performances will be awe-inspiring.”
Tasman District Council is being urged to work faster on the replacement for the Motueka Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Filmmakers in Te Tauihu are showcasing the mahi of the creative cast and production crew in our rohe later this month with a short film festival. There are screenings in Blenheim and Nelson.
Kopuawai Te Kōhanga Reo o Whakatū is celebrating our 40th Anniversary and would like to invite anyone wanting to attend to register for the day or to attend te Mākete Pō.
Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities is looking to increase the number of homes available for people in need in Tasman, especially in Motueka and Richmond. Two drop-in sessions are planned next Tuesday 24 October at Richmond Library: ⏰ 1:00 - 3:00pm ⏰ 4:00 - 6:30pm
Nayland College Year 9 Student Orion Masters has won this year’s Te Āo Māori award at the Scitec expo. His project, Ngā te wā o Paoro i Mua, examined if 3D printing could make a bugle flute that would produce a comparable sound to a traditionally made pūtōrino.