Free internet for whānau with school-aged children
The Ministry of Education has an initiative to provide free home internet to any household with a school-age child that doesn’t have a home internet connection.
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The Ministry of Education has an initiative to provide free home internet to any household with a school-age child that doesn’t have a home internet connection.
GeoDiscoveryNZ will cover all travel and participation fees for both accepted students and mentors. This includes medicals, visas, flights, meals, and accommodation throughout the programme.
Huge congratulations to Te Hauora o Ngāti Rārua kaimahi James Kauri, who graduated Heke Toiora Whānau, Diploma in Social Work, from Te Wānanga o Raukawa in Ōtaki.
Residing in Wairau, Kerri Rimene (Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tawhirikura, Ngāti Kahungunu, Rangitāne ki Wairarapa) her partner, and their two children are making their dream of owning a home a reality through Ka Uruora.
A combined mana whenua hui with partners involved in the resource consent renewal of Blenheim Wastewater Treatment Plant took place in early December.
Ngāti Rārua representatives accompanied Ngāti Tama and Te Atiawa for a blessing at Te Kura o Aorere (Collingwood Area School) at dawn, along with students and teachers and the wider school community.
I tū te wānanga whakamutunga o Kia Pai Te Reo ki Te Rotoiti. We finished off our series of Kia Pai Te Reo wānanga in Rotoiti at the weekend. We look forward to sharing more opportunities to use and learn Reo Rārua in 2024.
Iwi and councils in the top of the South Island have today affirmed their strong relationships, signing an historic partnership agreement that will see them work more closely together across the region.
We are seeking expressions of interest for a board position on Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru (the Tokomaru Research Centre).
This is a full-time 9-month programme aimed at developing Iwi-Māori data analytical capability. We are seeking your expressions of interest for one of the 10 available positions – for one of your kaimahi, graduates or iwi members.
This is an excellent opportunity to gain practical experience and insight about making positive change in Wairau. We encourage anyone who is interested to get in touch – or pass this opportunity to someone who would be the perfect fit.
In this edition you'll hear from Ka Uruora Te Tauihu Chair Hemi Sundgren, meet the Ka Uruora team, and meet whānau starting on their home ownership journey.