Here you can find out about the values that drive us everyday.
Anō ngā mihi maioha ki a tātou i tēnei rā miharo, he rā miharo na koutou kē i whakamiharotia ai. No reira e rau rangatira mā, ngā manuhiri no tēna rohe, no tēna rohe, no tēna rohe. Haere mai, haere mai, haere mai.
Ko mātou tēnei, it’s who we are
Ngāti Rārua are courageous leaders who strive forth to protect our whanau, our taonga, our rohe and the integrity of the legacy of Ngāti Rārua. We are able to work with others to find brave new ways of addressing problems that others may not have thought of. Our history reminds us that great courage can lead to great benefits, from our ancient migrations through Polynesia, to the New Zealand migrations or ‘heke’ from Waikato to Te Tau Ihu (the top of the South Island).
Ngāti Rārua is a tribe of individuals and whānau who care about tikanga and history whilst delivering creative solutions to contemporary situations, always caring for our people and our places. Our story is grounded in our values – it’s who we are, what we stand for and where we come from.
Care of people and place (our role as guardians). We are guardians of people, place and planet. This care extends to everything we do and everything we create. We seek not to damage what is precious, they are our tāonga.
We found what we do from a genuine and sincere place. We do what we say we will do, and we do the right thing, because it’s the right thing to do. This ingrained value continues to ensure the reputation of Ngāti Rārua and our tūpuna is upheld.
Addressing adversity and issues with original and creative solutions. With our spirit of exploration, courage and boldness, we turn ideas into reality and solve what others do not. Our fresh perspective to problem-solving and making things happen is valued by others.
Good things come from our iwi, our people, our whenua and our moana, the more these are protected, the greater our ability to continue in the path that our tupuna forged for us. Collaboration and contribution is needed if we are to succeed in the future we wish to build for Ngāti Rārua. We invite you to be an active part of our future.