Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau whānui o Te Kāreti Taitama o Wairau e whai wāhi ana ki te mahi ngātahi i te taha o te hapori Māori o tō tātou rohe tautoko ai i te rangatiratanga. E rapu ana mātou i ngā tohutohu o te hapori Māori ki te āwhina i ā mātou tautoko i ngā ākonga Māori, kia whai ake i tā rātou hua i hiahiatia ai, kia pai ake ai hoki te angitu o ngā ākonga Māori hei tangata Māori i roto i te mātauranga Māori i te kura nei. Me mihi ka tika ki a Matua Johnny Joseph mō āna mahi i tēnei tūranga i ngā tau e whā.

Marlborough Boys’ College aims to work in partnership with our whānau, hapu and iwi to support rangatiratanga/self-determination. We actively seek the guidance of our local whānau, hapu and iwi to help us better meet the needs of our Māori ākonga and ensure they experience educational success as Māori. We extend our thanks and appreciation to Matua Johnny Joseph, who held this position for the past four years. 

Expressions of Interest

Expressions of interest are called from our whānau, hapu, and iwi to be appointed to this position.  This position is a co-opted position. 

What is a co-opted board member? 

  • A co-opted member is a full member of our school board. 
  • They have the same standing, voice, vote, and accountability as any other member. 

To be considered for the role send your expression of interest to the BOT Secretary: melissa.palmer@mbc.school.nz

If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact our Tumuaki, Matua John Kendal   john.kendal@mbc.school.nz