Edition #8 of the Kotahitanga mō te Taiao ePānui brings you stories and updates from various project teams.

Iwi partnership enhances horticulture programme

A partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Kuia to deliver a new Mātauranga Ahumāra – Certificate in Horticulture and Primary Industry programme has provided a strong connection between Māori culture and horticulture for NMIT students.

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Wetland being rebuilt for endangered birds

The first stage of a wetland creation project designed to enhance the ecological value of Waimea Delta is about to begin.

The Delta project is part of the Waimea Inlet Enhancement Project, funded by the Ministry for the Environment and Tasman District Council. Project manager George Daly said the site has been selected as having huge potential for restoring habitat for marsh birds such as Matuku (Australasian Bittern).

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Trust creates stable base for Te Hoiere restoration

Rising Covid cases stymied plans for a celebratory signing at Te Hora Marae, Canvastown. Instead, the document was signed in the Marlborough District Council Mayoral office by Council chief executive Mark Wheeler and Mayor, John Leggett. It was then couriered to Nelson for signing on behalf of Ngāti Kuia by general manager Dave Johnston and chair Waihaere Mason.

Waihaere who also co-chairs the Te Hoiere Project governance group said forming Te Hoiere Kaitiaki Charitable Trust would cement the Project’s credibility.

“We now have a stable base to work from, clear direction and a legal obligation to ensure funded work is done.”

About the newsletter

While our project teams have their different social media and websites that share with their audiences close to home our Alliance ePānui gives us the chance to share all the good news with our 15 partners and their readers and audiences, aiding our goal of landscape-scale environmental impact, ki uta ki tai!

Mauri ora.

About the Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance

Formed in 2017 by iwi and councils located at the top of the South Island and the Department of Conservation, and global partner and our global supporter, The Nature Conservancy, the Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance collaborates on work to help people and nature thrive.

Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua is a member of the Alliance and also has representatives at governance and project team level on Project Mahitahi.

Learn more about the Kotahitanga mō te Taiao Alliance

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