Kia matatū Being vigilant
Now is a good time to get your boosters - more international visitors in our takiwā this summer means greater potential risks. So it's time to make sure whānau are protected against any new wave of COVID-19.
KOWHEORI-19 is still in our communities. It’s important that we stay matatū. Here are some simple things we can do to protect ourselves and whānau.
- Wear a face mask in health care places like the doctor, pharmacies, hospitals and aged residential care centres.
- Stay up-to-date with KOWHEORI-19 vaccinations.
- Get your booster. Whānau aged 50+ and immunocompromised whānau can get two boosters.
- Clean and disinfect surfaces regularly. This includes things you touch often, like door handles, light switches and phones.
- Open windows to increase fresh air flow inside.
- If you are sick, stay home and get tested for KOWHEORI-19.
- If you test positive for COVID-19 and are concerned about your hauora, call your doctor, or Healthline on 0800 28 29 26. Don’t try to tough it out if you get seriously ill.
- Māori and Pacific people aged 50+ can get free COVID-19 antivirals if they test positive. Other New Zealanders aged 65+ can get free COVID-19 antivirals
- You can still choose to wear a mask whenever you want to, especially around our kaumātua, māuiui and immunocompromised whānau.
COVID-19 vaccinations and tests are available across the motu. You can use our online map tool to find a kaupapa Māori clinic near you.
Tirohia mēnā e tika ana kia whai atu i te kano ārai whakakaha
Have a tutu with our booster checker
Karawhiua have launched a new booster checker on their website. It's a quick and easy way for whānau to see when they will be eligible to get their booster.
It’s the homepage at
A new factsheet answers common pātai and addresses concerns whānau have about getting their booster. It is available in reo Māori and English.