E Ngā Mana, E Ngā Reo, E Ngā Iwi, E Ngā Mātā Waka o Whakatū nau mai ki tēnei Hui hei maumahara ngā tini aitua kua tua o te arai. E kui mā, koro mā okioki ai rātou i te Ao Wairua moe mai rā. No Reira te hunga mate ki te hunga mate, tātou te hunga ora tēnā koutou katoa!
He Panui – Kawe Mate
Ka karanga mai a Whakatū Marae ki a koutou ngā whanau hei whakatau ngā whaakaro maumahara ki a rātou.
Nau mai haere mai
This is a call for us all to come together to honour and share our stories of loved ones who passed on in these extraordinary times of COVID-19.
We invite whanau to the Marae on Saturday 4th July Powhiri at 2.30pm 2020
Kai to follow
Please advise numbers for catering purposes to: Katiana.maaka@whakatumarae.co.nz by 30 June.
Phone No. 03 5 469 097