Ko wai mātou?

Who we are and what we do:

Kaitakawaenga Māori deliver Inland Revenue services in a whānau, hapū and iwi-centric way to ensure our Māori customers have the tools to self-manage their tax affairs whether they are an individual, or in business.

We work directly with you kanohi-ki-te- kanohi, to help you understand your obligations and entitlements.

He uri tēnei nō Hinepūkohurangi
Ko Ngāti Rongo te hapū
Ko Tūhoe te iwi
Ko Holly Wright tōku ingoa

Ngā momo whakangungu-ā-taake:

We offer tax advice and training on:

  • Starting and running a business
  • Family tax entitlements
  • Māori land Trusts
  • Treaty settlements
  • Other tax advice and information

He hoa āwhina

We are here to help:

Ki te whai āwhina, tēnā whakapā mai ki tētahi Kaitakawaenga Māori iroto i tō rohe.

We work around the needs of our whānau whether it be office appointments or home visits.

Īmēra mai ki

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