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    Īnanga wānanga in Motueka

    If you are interested in īnanga - one of our taonga species - and habitat restoration, you'll be interested in this wānanga in May.

    Tasman Bay Guardians are hosting Nic Naysmith - National lead Īnanga for Mountains to the Sea Trust, to share a learning opportunity about our taonga species īnanga in Motueka.

    Whānau/hapū/iwi are invited to learn about the following kaupapa:

    • identify īnanga spawning habitats
    • how we can protect these areas
    • share learnings on restoration


    If you are interested contact George Stafford for more information.

    About Nic Naysmith

    Nic Naysmith is the Northland Īnanga Spawning Habitat Restoration Project Manager. He leads the team in finding, protecting, and restoring īnanga spawning habitats across Te Tai Tokerau.

    He has over three and a half years at the Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust. He has expertise in marine sciences and a passion for environmental conservation that has been pivotal in leading the Northland Īnanga Spawning Habitat Restoration Project and helping to drive the National Īnanga Spawning Programme. His roles involve not only ecological preservation but also empowering the team, as well as iwi, hapū and community groups to excel in īnanga spawning habitat protection efforts across Aotearoa.

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    Richard Liddicoat

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    Īnanga wānanga in Motueka