He Mihi mō tō Tautoko i roto i ngā Tau Tekau – Michelle Lavender
Kia ora tātou,
Mō Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua, e hiahia ana ahau ki te tuku mihi nui ki a Michelle mō tō Tautoko, kaha me tō ratonga i roto i ngā tau tekau kua hipa. He taonga tōu manawanui, tōu kaiārahi, me ngā mahi nui kua whakatutukihia e koe mō tō iwi. Kei te tino maioha mātou ki tō koha me tō pānga ki te Rūnanga.
Nā tōu mahi i kaha ai te iwi, i mana ai ngā mahi, ā, kua waiho koe hei puna mō te māramatanga, te ārahi, me te tautoko. E whakaatu ana tō manawanui i ngā uara e ū nei mātou ki a rātou, ā, e tino pōwhiritia ana e mātou te kaha, te wā, me te ngākau nui kua whakangao e koe ki tō tūranga. Tēnei te mihi ki a koe mō tō mahi whakapau kaha. E titiro whakamua ana mātou ki ngā tau kei mua i a tātou me te kite tonu i ngā hua pai o tō mahi mō tō iwi.
On behalf of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua, I want to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate 10 years of dedicated service. Your commitment, leadership, and contributions to TRoNR and its people are deeply appreciated, and we are grateful for the impact you have made.
Over the past decade, your mahi has helped strengthen and uplift the people, and your presence within the Rūnanga has been an ongoing source of support. Your dedication reflects the values we uphold, and we deeply appreciate the time, energy, and heart you bring to your role.
Thank you for your hard work and dedication. We look forward to continuing this journey with you and seeing the ongoing positive impact of your mahi in the years ahead.
Shane Graham,