Expressions of Interest: Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru
We are seeking expressions of interest for a board position on Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru (the Tokomaru Research Centre).
The centre is a wholly-owned Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua subsidiary. The role is a governance position overseeing the setting and achievement of Tokomaru Research Centre strategic goals.
Email before 11 January
Expressions of interest, including a covering CV, can be sent to Dr Lorraine Eade before 11 January.

About Te Whare Rangahau o Tokomaru
Tokomaru Research Centre aims to embed evidence based research in shaping our future strategic directions and focus while increasing Ngāti Rārua Mātauranga. Building research capacity amongst our members in order to develop a Ngāti Rārua corpus of talent is equally important for us.
The work of the TRC includes traditional research work as well as development of innovations and new ideas and directions to build and strengthen the knowledge and skill base of Ngāti Rārua.
This mahi will be focused around the strategic intent statement of Kia Pai te Noho, the Ngāti Rārua strategic plan:
- to ensure that Ngāti Rārua is prepared for the future;
- has the capacity and capability to respond to immediate and emerging needs of whānau, marae and hapū;
- and has growing capacity and excellence in the practice of our Ngāti Rāruatanga to maintain the mana-ā-iwi of Ngāti Rārua.