Whānau and Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua staff attended a hui at the beginning of April on the Blenheim Sewage Treatment Plant (BSTP) with council and iwi representatives.  This kaupapa continues the advocacy and mahi of whānau over many years to protect this very significant area from the effects of the plant.

The focus of this hui was to identify how council will work in partnership with mana whenua to decide the future of the BSTP when its current resource consent expires in 2025.

We began the day with a site visit to the plant site next to the Wairau awa and lagoons.

Whānau expressed to council staff their deep concerns with the effects of the BSTP on the awa, moana and mahinga kai.  Following the site visit we returned to Parerārua for a delicious lunch (ngā mihi nui Aunty Molly me ngā ringawera mo ō manaaki i a mātou) and then the hui with council staff and environmental consultant Tina Porou.

Next steps

It was agreed that the next step would be to form a working group with representatives from Ngāti Rārua, Rangitāne o Wairau, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Marlborough District Council.

Further information

There will be further opportunities for whānau to engage on these important process and these will be advertised through the usual Ngāti Rārua channels.  

If you would like to go on a direct mailing list for this kaupapa, please email taiao@ngatirarua.iwi.nz.