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    Apply now for the Tupu Accelerator

    Applications for the Tupu Accelerator 2025 cohort are open until 20 March.

    10 spots available

    There's an opportunity for ten ambitious Māori founders to join this intensive eight-week programme to transform your pakihi from a startup to an international venture. 

    Delivered by Tapuwae Roa in partnership with Sprout Agritech, and co-funded by Callaghan Innovation, Tupu supports Māori startups with the tools, mentorship, and resources to thrive and quickly scale.   

    Facilitated by experienced business coaches Saara Tawha and Brittany Teei (founder of Kidscoin), selected teams will join a supportive rōpū of ambitious Māori founders and participate in collaborative wānanga, practical assignments, and a capstone showcase where you will pitch your pakihi to potential investors.   


    • ⏰ Applications close: 20 March 
    • 💻 Online panel interviews: 10 and 11 April 
    • 🚀 Programme commences: 1 May 

    What's involved?

    Delivered across eight weeks, Tupu encompasses three in-person wānanga, weekly online hui, and one-on-one coaching to explore the core elements of building startups and raising capital. Key topics include:  

    🚀 Business models, planning and organisational structure 
    🚀 Intellectual Property  
    🚀 Customers, markets, and competition   
    🚀 Financial modelling, commercialisation, & capital planning 
    🚀 Valuation and Term Sheets   
    🚀 Due Diligence Process   
    🚀 Investor Collateral

    All along this learning journey, pakihi will be guided in their preparation for the venture capital ecosystem by building and practicing their ‘pitch’, culminating in an in-person showcase to friends, partners, and investors.

    Richard Liddicoat

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    Apply now for the Tupu Accelerator